Friday, July 15, 2011

The Time Will Pass

I would like to stop freaking out about the passage of time. Several times a day I catch myself thinking "crap, it's already 10:30/2/7pm/midnight?" Near any big event I can't believe it's already here, already past. And regularly you can hear me marvel: "Where did the summer/winter/semester go?" (Okay, not so much on the winter. Usually the winter lasts long enough that I think its time has come long before it's over.)

Being aware of the passage of time is not a bad thing, but freaking out over it is. Yes, it's already 10:30am. You know what? It will be 9am again tomorrow. The issue isn't what time it is, the issue is whether or not in this moment I'm doing what I mean to be doing. Sure, time matters---deadlines, meeting times, big events. But there's always more of it until the moment there isn't, and nothing I can do will save it or store it or even make it pass more quickly. The only real solution is to savour what I have. That includes refusing to mourn time poorly spent---that's time that's past, and there's a wealth ahead of me to experience.

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