Saturday, May 7, 2011

Identities vs personalities: what this one is about

I've given up on the identity integration and now I have three. dreadsci is just the personal side, but since my research peeps are posting on my research-related posts, that's what's going to live on my official blog.

I was thinking of making cracks about having multiple personalities, but that's not really true. All of my online identities are me, and I think probably identifiably me. So it's more about different nom-de-plumes to make it easier for people to filter out what they don't care about.

If you're interested in grad school life and random bits from the fringes of machine learning and artificial intelligence, then my main blog and identity is for you.

This is the random blog that you should probably only read if you know me or want to get to know me. Not coincidentally, this is also closest to the identity I use on forums. Although I dropped the "entist". So, NaNoWriMo and Ravelry know me as dreadsci. There's always cross-over between the writing life and grad school, but I think the pure writing stuff will move over here now. Unless I think it has merit for surviving gradschool

And of course there's the Artfire store, where I'm the chatty half of Boreal Designs and sell stitch markers and row counters for knitting, photo pendant jewelry, nature photography cards, and eventually Joel's art photography prints.

Given that I'm posting only sporadically on all these places, I don't know if reviving this blog is a good idea. But, focus is good. So, hello world, again!

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