Sunday, June 26, 2011

Grizzly Mountain Arts Mini Top Whorl

Bought from Etsy in a mad dash. Beautiful but the wrong kind of spin for my fingers. Destashing. and best for fine yarns. Incredibly speedy spin but backspins fairly quickly when trying to do high-twist/thick yarn.

Thuya Burl whorl and Cocobolo shaft
1.1 ounces (31 grams)
2" diameter whorl
7 3/4" shaft, 1/4" diameter, 6" below the whorl.
Just under 8 1/4" top to bottom.

Gorgeous glow to the wood. The grain is smooth on both, honey-brown on the whorl and dark shaft glowing reddish orange in places. Shaft is polished smooth, fairly slippery. The finial above the whorl has some nice subtle detail. Bottom is blunt, gently rounded.

Rim-weighted in theory but fairly dense, the rims are not super deep and the cocobolo shaft has some heft. Has a long-lasting but not extremely fast spin. The notch is in the top and bottom of the whorl rim, quite secure. I like the notch at the bottom for holding things in very nicely but it was sometimes catching when I was winding on. Would be easy to get used to.

Two notches near the top of the shaft work great for holding the beginning of the yarn when first winding on. There are notches at the bottom of the shaft as well, not too deep. Would catch if I was trying to slide the cop without a quill of some kind.

Hook is brass-coloured metal, bent in a gentle swoop with a loop at the end that can catch the yarn sometimes but again would be easy to get used to. The hook is perpendicular to the notch, with the notch on the right if you are looking down with the back towards you.

Spun on it with undyed BFL and 80/20 merino/silk. In both cases I was drafting too fast. Possibly want a more rim-weighted one, maybe slightly heavier.


In use:
Grizzly Mountain top whorl.jpgGrizzly Mountain top whorl Top.jpgGrizzly Mountain top whorl bottom.jpgMerinoSilkCollectionTesting.jpg

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original Etsy listing
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